If your house is on fire, the first thing you should do is get out of the house.
(Don Sturgill – Roadturn Principles)
Some of us tend to overthink a situation.
We’re the ones who will still be considering the options while others are enjoying the benefits of immediate quick and definite action.
I was at a Target store in the pre-smartphone days, considering the purchase of a new printer. The price seemed amazingly low, so I was checking the specifications carefully and wondering why it was being sold a huge discount.
While I stood and pondered, a lady walked up, grabbed the box, and headed for check-out. It was the last unit in the store.
When I got back home, I checked online. Sure enough, I’d just missed out on a whale of a deal… because of indecision.
What are you overthinking today?
Do you need to lose weight and get in better physical condition… but you still aren’t sure which diet is the right one for you?
Have you been meaning to get to the gym more often, but can’t figure out a time slot to fit your busy life?
Do you want to start your own business, but can’t decide on a niche?
Don’t get me wrong — thinking is a good thing. Sometimes, though, we deliberate because something else is holding us back. We KNOW what we want to do, but we hesitate on taking the first real step on the journey.
We settle for ‘thinking about it’ instead of ‘doing something about it.
You may not think of losing weight, or going to the gym, or starting a business as an ’emergency.’ But a health condition caused by a poor diet and lack of exercise is. And getting a pink slip from your employer can create a financial catastrophe.
Your desire may be more urgent than you think.
Challenge: Choose a nutritional plan, join the gym, pick a niche and get started. Take the first real step towards your desire. If you need help, get a copy of The DEEP. There’s no better time than right now to make your move.
Roadturn Principle: Your problem normally isn’t that you don’t know what to do. It’s that you won’t do what you know.
Let’s talk about it…
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