HAVE YOU EVER found yourself driving down the road on autopilot, then realized you’re heading the wrong direction?
This morning, I dropped my daughter off at a restaurant to meet up with friends. My plan was to continue on to the UPS store to mail a couple of packages, then stop by Whole Foods for a few items, then head back home.
Instead, I began thinking about the project waiting on my desk, turned right instead of going straight ahead, and woke up a few minutes later to the fact that I was driving in the wrong direction.
You know what I instantly did next … right?
Did I turn around?
Not immediately.
FIRST I debated the idea. After all, I’d already driven towards home a ways … why not just keep going? I could come back later in the day, or even tomorrow, to run errands.
THEN I decided I’d rather get those things done now than leave them hanging. I was still considerably closer to the shops I needed to visit than I would be at home.
SO I made a left, circled back around, and got back on track.
Here’s Why That Matters to You
Let’s say you want to lose some weight, so you’ve decided to eat for strength instead of pleasure. It’s day two of your new diet, and you absentmindedly find yourself biting into a doughnut.
What now?
Do you say, “Well, I’ve blown it already, so I may as well eat the whole pack and start again tomorrow!” … or do you stop yourself, turn around, and get right back on target?
If you’re like me, most of the time you throw in the towel and pig out.
The same goes for your plan to write that book, get trained up for that new career, or start going to the gym regularly.
Here’s a lesson to take to the bank: You’re going to stumble along the way. It’s all but inevitable. You’re a human being, and you’re apt to get distracted or develop a crappy attitude and stop caring as deeply as you did when you began.
Here’s how to stay on course: Do The DEEP.
I’m not saying that because I wrote the program. I’m saying that because the program WORKS. It’s a proven, field-tested method to help you keep walking in the direction you most want to go.
Life is serious stuff, my friend, and it goes faster than any of us ever imagine. There’s no time to waste. None.
Here’s where to go for info: The DEEP.
Write me. Let’s talk about it.
— Don
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